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My Year in Books

With the start of the new year, we all have certain goals in mind. For the past three years, I have made it a New Year's resolution to read at least 25 books. To some, this seems obsessive, but to the real book junkies out there, it's not even an ambitious goal. Nevertheless, I chose 25 because I thought it would be doable and enjoyable, which it has been the last few years. So, naturally, at the beginning of each year, I get to think about what books I really want to read in the upcoming months. This is always super exciting for me, not only because I'm a huge nerd but because...actually, that's the only reason. I'm a huge nerd. And I own and rejoice in it! So, if you're a book lover too, check out my list of some of the books I would like to conquer this year and feel free to make any suggestions!


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Ok, so this is actually one I have already started but haven't quite gotten through yet. I've had a couple friends tell me that this book is fantastic and I really want to finish reading it before I watch the movie. I started it last year but have found the narration a bit cumbersome to follow. I'm not a huge fan of a rambling narrator (just check out my blog on The Catcher in the Rye), so I might have some difficulty trudging my way through this one. I don't like to leave books unfinished, though, so if I have to hate-read a novel I will.

Pride and Prejudice

I know, I know. How was I able to get through high school without having to read one of Jane Austen's most beloved classics? Trust me, I would have preferred this over Walden which is what my freshmen English teacher made us read. (How many paragraphs can be devoted to sitting in the woods?) I think I have put this one off long enough and I need to really buckle down and read it this year. Of course, I'm already so familiar with the plot, as almost everyone is, whether you're a reader or not (seen Bridget Jones's Diary?). So knowing what happens already may or may not affect how much I enjoy the novel.

Nineteen Eighty Four

Yet another literary juggernaut that managed to slip through my fingers! Although I am quite familiar with the Orwellian mystique (I taught Animal Farm for several years), this is one of those books I feel I must experience. It may not be the first one I pick up this year, but I plan to get to it.

The Meaning of Mariah Carey

Yes, I know I just went from Orwell to Mariah Carey and the juxtaposition is probably a bit jarring. But, I love Mariah Carey's songs and although I'm not particularly interested in her life story, I do want to see how her ghostwriter translated her life to paper. Plus, I want to know why I can't get a client like Mariah Carey to ghostwrite for!

The Sun and Her Flowers

Rupi Kaur is one of those contemporary poets who has really grown on me in the last couple of years. I like that her poetry style is freeform and her themes are centered around love and loss. Not all of her poems are a hit for me, but the ones that are truly knock me to the ground.

The Magicians (Trilogy)

The last trilogy I read was Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The books, like most fantasy, were incredibly long, however, so I was a little peeved at them taking up a good amount of my time. In the end, it was worth it. My boyfriend has been recommending The Magicians basically since we met and since he bought them all for me for Christmas, I get to dive in this year. The way it was described to me was "It's like Harry Potter but with sex and drugs." I'm all in.

The Eyre Affair

I have a friend (hey, Jen!) who has recommended this book to me for over a couple of years now. I think I need to become a little more familiar with some of the classics it references before I take a shot at it, but this may be the year.


I try not to fill my wishlist up too much (the struggle is real) so I can leave room for discoveries throughout the year. I've had some pretty magical moments where I randomly stumbled across a book and then ended up adoring it (Kurt Vonnegut), so I like to leave a good amount of wiggle room. I don't know if I will get to all of these or veer off in a completely different direction, but let's be honest, as long as there is a book in my hands, I'll be happy.


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